Thursday, September 17, 2009

Yellowstone National Park and Old Faithful Photo Movie

We took these photos of  Yellowstone National Park in July 2009. We were headed back to Tennessee from Alaska on our mother-daughter trip of a lifetime. It was an amazing experience. After you view the photo movie we think you'll agree that Yellowstone National Park is one of the most unique places on Earth.

If you have trouble playing the movie you view it directly from

While in Yellowstone National Park we took a video of Old Faithful and placed it on You Tube. That was an experience to be remembered! The park rangers have the eruptions timed to within 10 minutes of the expected blast. Suddenly, the site starts to spew steam. In another minute a plume of steam shoots high into the air! All too soon, nature's display is over.

The Old Faithful geyser at Yellowstone National Park stops spraying and takes a break. It has to rest up for next time. The process repeats itself several times a day. It's amazing to think that you can time a natural occurrence this way. Our visit was amazing. You can read more about our trip by clicking here.

Use these links to learn more:
Yellowstone National Park - NPS.Gov
Wyoming Tourism

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