Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Alternatives to Trick or Treating

Maybe Halloween just isn't for you or maybe you don't want your children coming homes with bags of candy. Let's face it. Halloween isn't for everyone. With all the hooplah you may be looking for alternatives to celebrating Halloween.

My kids used to love the alternative Halloween celebrations that we came up with. They had so much fun that they never complained that they missed out on any fun and I never had to deal with a wagonload of leftover candy.

The are alternatives to celebrating Halloween. The trick is to find something that your family enjoys. Some of these ideas, like Trunk or Treat, get more popular every year. Other ideas are better suited for your family or for a small group. Whichever activity you decide to have this list of 7 great ideas for Halloween alternatives is sure to help!

Halloween Alternatives #1

Trunk or TreatOne of the most common alternatives to celebrating Halloween is becoming Trunk or Treat. These event is often sponsored in church parking lots on Halloween night. It works like a giant tailgate party with multiple families. Kids, dressed in costume or not, go from car to car to collect candy or other prizes. Sometimes food, games or karaoke are included.

Halloween Alternatives #2

Weiner roasts and campfires alternatives to celebrating Halloween. Friends, family or church members gather to roast hot dogs (and usually marshmallows) over an open fire. This usually doesn't involve toting huge bags of candy. The emphasis is not on Halloween but on spending time together with each other.

Halloween Alternatives #3

Fall parties work well as alternatives to celebrating Halloween. This can take place at a home or in a church. Kids can pick up dry leaves from the yard that day to decorate with or create their own. If you do have it at your home it's best to have some candy on hand. Some people might think that you are celebrating Halloween and come to your door by mistake. (Most people won't have this problem.) If that happens just give them a piece of candy and send them on their way. You can put a note on the door but this will only help the kids who are old enough to read.

Halloween Alternatives #4

Host a block party. This can be similar to the Trunk or Treat mentioned above. It can be open to the community or just for the kids on your block. The idea is to build community spirit and involvement while giving the kids a safe place to have fun.

Halloween Alternatives #5

Fall themed tea party. Kids get the fun of dressing up and seeing friends while having fun. Use a fall decorating theme. Instead of tea you can serve lemonade. Food can be spice cakes, cream cheese sandwiches, scones or any of the traditional items used for a tea party.

Halloween Alternatives #6

Organize a skating or bowling night. Gather your kids, their friends (and hopefully parents) and head to your local skating rink or bowling alley. See who can bowl the most strikes or stand on one foot while on skates. It can be a fun way to see friends and have a good time.

Halloween Alternatives #7

Have a hayride. Nothing says fall more than a hayride. Plans can be as elaborate as going to park or as simple as a lawn tractor, trailer and a couple of bales of hay. Snacks or drinks are usually a good idea. A hayride can be a fun way to get together with friends, enjoy the evening and makes a great Halloween alternative.

Personal Experience

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