Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Review of the Kyocera TNT Cell Phone for Virgin Mobile

Some time ago, I got fed up with having to sign a 2 year wireless agreement just to get a cell phone. My solution was to switch to a prepaid wireless company known as Virgin Mobile. Other than during my recent trip to Alaska through Canada the service has suited my needs perfectly.

One of the best things about Virgin Mobile is the number of inexpensive cell phones that are offered with no contract requirement. For $14.99 I was able to buy a brand new blue Kyocera TNT flip phone and wall charger. The battery lasts for about 2 hours of consecutive use. If  the phone isn't being used often it can go for two days on a single charge.

My phone needs are basic. I use Twitter so text messaging is a must and is has got to send and receive calls reliably. The Kyocera TNT Virgin Mobile cell phone works perfectly. I also like the speakerphone, voice dialing and speed dialing options.

For those of you who want fancy bells and whistles the Kyocera TNT Virgin Mobile may not be for you. There is no camera but you can download ringtones, surf the web and do other basic functions.

More information about the phone can be found in this article on Factoidz.

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