Thursday, December 30, 2010

Guidecraft Kitchen Play Toys Help Make Learning Fun

Who doesn’t have fond childhood memories of playing with big wooden play sets?  In reality, the sets probably as big as I remember mine to be. It’s amazing how things shrink as you become an adult!

Unfortunately, the sets are more than a little hard to find these days. Plastic seems to have taken over the world. Don’t get me wrong. My kids were able to get years of entertainment out of their large plastic kitchen and play structure. There’s still something special about the wood pieces though.

I was tickled to stumble across the website for the guidecraft kitchen. They have a Guidecraft Kitchen Wooden Playset that took me straight back to my days as a kindergartener. It’s really cute.

They have a full line of guidecraft kitchen products. These would all be great for a church nursery, classroom or large home. The bright colors are eye-catching and welcoming. Even as an adult it makes me want to play with them.

It’s also pretty neat to see that the guidecraft kitchen has appliances to go with it. My kids would have loved to have had the little play microwave. It’s a cute piece that’s white with brilliant yellow trim around it. I also liked the bright red stove.

Guess what else? They’ve got a full line of children’s food items and even a little grocery cart to go with the sets. How’s that for adorable? I think any kid would love it.

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