Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Use Half Off Depot to find Knoxville Deals and save money

I love it when my family can save money. Dining out and visiting attractions aren't something we get to do much. Then I tried out the Half Off Depot in Knoxville. The experience was great. In fact, it was so good that I decided to offer their links through my blog so you can save money too!

A few months ago I signed up with their email list . Several emails came and went before one came in that was especially tantalizing. Despite being nervous about using the new site I decided to take the plunge.

It helped that the certificate I chose could be printed immediately after purchase. It only took a minute to create an online account a whip out my credit card. The two certificates were each worth $10 each but cost $5. I printed them out and informed Hubby that he was taking me to lunch.

We told the server about the certificates from Half Off Depot in Knoxville when we ordered. We were directed to give them to the cashier. The meal was great and check out was simple. All I had to do was give the certificate to the cashier. She deducted the $10 for the meal and Hubby only had to pay a couple of bucks for the difference. 

My daughters are in from college for Christmas holidays and we're going to lunch today. Before we head out the door I'm heading my browser over to the Half Off Depot Knoxville website. I see a restaurant certificate and maybe some shopping certificates in our future. I can't wait to see what's available! 

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