Monday, February 14, 2011

My experience at the Enchanted Brides Show in Knoxville

My experience at the 2011 Enchanted Brides Show in Knoxville was a good one. I picked up a lot of good information from the vendors. The brochures and representatives helped me convince my husband that getting married really is expensive these day.

It's easy to see why the Knoxville Museum of Art (KMA) is a popular wedding venue. Art exhibits are on the ground floor of the building but the lower floor is where the show was held. The KMA rents it out for events and is the perfect spot for the Enchanted Brides Show.

The 2011 Enchanted Brides Show in Knoxville was not what I expected but it was worth the $10 (with $2 coupon) ticket price. I had anticipated that there would be more vendors than there actually were. We couldn't find an official list but it seemed like only 15 companies were represented (if that many).

A fashion show was taking place in the auditorium. More companies may have been represented there. Hubby and I were concerned that our late arrival would be a disruption so we skipped it.

The vendors that were part of the exhibition had great booths with lots of good information. Photographers, cake decorators, caterers and a few venues had brochures and price sheets available. It was good to be able to talk to the representatives.

Not only did we learn about pricing or packages but also about how outgoing the staff is at the various companies. When our daughter gets married we want to work with people who are friendly and outgoing. These traits give us confidence that everything will go smoothly at the wedding.

We had a fun time at the 2011 Enchanted Brides Show in Knoxville. I'll be going to the bridal fair in Chattanooga next week too so we'll see how that goes and we'll certainly try to attend the one next year also.

The number 1 thing that I learned today is to be glad that we have 2 years to plan this shindig. It's going to take me every minute to make this the wedding I've always wanted my daughter to have.

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