Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A word about self defense courses

As blog readers you know that I am passionate about fighting domestic violence and sexual assault. Even though this blog is about travel, product and restaurant reviews I’m going to take a few minutes to talk about violence about women.

The Rape Abuse Incest National Network is leading the fight against sexual assault. Their stats say that every 2 minutes in the United States another person becomes a victim. That’s about how long it takes to find and read some of my longer blog posts.

I am a firm believer that every woman needs to learn how to defend herself against a possible attacker. A friend of mine champions her National Self Defense Company. Her gallery pages show off some of the moves that she teaches. Search National Self Defense to find her website. It may be worth a moment (or two) to view her website and see what you think.

As we talk about self-defense there is another person that springs to mind. Anny Jacoby is a survivor and another strong advocate in the anti domestic violence arena. She has ‘been there, done that’ so she knows what techniques may help the most.

Michelle Kirk has another program that can help. Rape Aggression Defense is another nationwide program that you may want to learn about.

No self defense program can guarantee that you won’t be assaulted or that you can get away without hard 100% of the time. I’ve taken three self-defense classes myself.
It’s just that in my opinion the programs can help you feel more confident and might help in case of assault.

I’m frequently asked if you have to be physically fit to take the classes. The answer is no. Of the classes I’ve taken the level of activity was adjust to fit the capabilities of everyone taking the course that day.

The other question that is occasionally asked is if instructors need to be certified through WITS Fitness                                                 as personal fitness instructors. What you are looking for are instructors who are recognized in their field.

The courses don’t have to be expensive to be effective. What you want to remember is that you and your safety are worth the cost of any self defense course.

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