Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Norris Farmers' Market Opens 2011

The Norris Farmers' Market opens on April 26, 2011. I'm very glad that a blog reader who saw my recent articles about the state park. She's the one who wrote in to let me know about the upcoming spring opening.

Did you know that you can usually find everything from eggs to unique craft items? Visiting a farmers' market is always fun and educational. You are buying from the people who have grown or created everything that is for sale. It gives you the opportunity to ask questions and learn. To me, that's almost like visiting a living museum.

Shopping is made easier by using the reusable cloth totes that are for sale at Wal-Mart (or almost everywhere else). An insulated bag or cooler is a must in hot weather. Hubby reminds me not to over purchase but that rarely helps. I usually walk away with a half-full bag of veggies and fruit for the both of us. Sometimes, I pick up beef. lamb or other products.

The Norris Farmers Market will open on April 26, 2011. Fresh strawberries will be in season and they will have them. They're open on Mondays from 3 pm. -6 pm. Look for the market in the Norris Commons in front of the middle school.

Need to create an online map? Here's the address.

Norris Farmers' Market
5 W Norris Road
Norris, TN, 37828 

Do you know of any other farmers' markets? Tell the world by leaving a comment below.

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