Thursday, March 17, 2011

Memories of a North Carolina home

Several years ago, my family and I lived in rural North Carolina just across the line from Clarksville, Virginia.  It was a lovely place to be and the people were even nicer than the scenery was beautiful.

We were in a rural area of North Carolina. A handful of homes were clustered together to form the community. There was a post office and a mom and pop convenience store that also sold sandwiches. It was a pretty neat place to be. Since everyone knew each other you felt that you didn’t have to worry.

At one time or another, the house we lived in had been an old schoolhouse with large windows. Estimates are that it was over 100 years old. People loved telling us about attending school there! We heard some of the most incredible stories. Hopefully the stories weren’t all true.

It had several rooms and very tall 16’ ft ceilings or taller. One of my family’s first apartments could have fit into the living room/dining room area of this home with plenty of space left over.

Living in the house during the summer was a breeze. Open windows let the air in while the ceiling fans kept it distributed.

We soon found out that living there in the winter was also a breeze. We didn’t have to open the windows to let the air in. Enough came through around the sides and panels that we could almost have flown a kite.

An upgrade from someone like york windows would have been helpful. The installer for this Pennsylvania company has over a quarter century of experience. Too bad the company is not in NC. They might have been perfect for the job. 

Despite the windows, our family has fond memories of the place. The house was sold just after we moved. I hear that another family is there now. I hope so and wish them well as they create their own fond memories. 

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