Thursday, March 03, 2011

PPI Claims UK may help when you need it most

You may have heard about debt insurance on BBC News. It’s naturally assumed that if you purchase payment protection when taking out a mortgage or other loan the insurance will pay if you need it. Tragically, comments left on news websites indicate that is not the case. Too many people seem to be getting stuck with empty promises and empty pocketbooks.

Many people don’t know that a PPI claim can be filed on loans that are paid off.  PPI claims has everything in place to make contacting them easy. They have a savvy streamlined website and freephone number.

If you feel that you’ve been stuck, may be able to help. Their policy is “No win. No fee.” This means that if they can’t help you win, you won’t have to pay their fee. You may not have anything to lose by contacting them.

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