Thursday, March 03, 2011

Basic tools travel bloggers need

Travel blogger equipment
There are often questions about what basic tools travel bloggers need. Some people say that fancy equipment is needed. That's really not true. 

The photo on the left shows the basic tools travel bloggers need. The only things not pictured are my backpack and the camera that was used to take the photo. 

Photo equipment
Instead of the Fujifilm digital camera in the picture I used a 7MP Kodak Easyshare. It's a little point and shoot that takes pretty good pictures plus video. I still use it for times when its impractical to pull out the larger one that is shown in the photo..

Travel bloggers need to have a dependable memory card. 

 Travel bloggers need a calendar or method for jotting down notes. I rarely use this anymore (more on why later) but it's still nice to have. My other tools include an ever present pen and my National Parks Passport. Both of these allow me to keep track of where I've been and when.

One of the other basic tools that travel bloggers need is rechargeable batteries. I like to keep one set on charge and one set in each camera. If these are purchased one at a time make sure to get the right batteries for the charger. 

Another of the basic tools that travel bloggers need is a good backpack. You want your camera, laptop and other equipment to be protected. Extra pockets are a plus. The bag doesn't have to be expensive. Mine is a sturdy skateboarder's backpack with plenty of pockets. It set me back an entire $18 bucks. Before then, I tossed everything in my purse. 

There are a few other tools that travel bloggers need (or want) eventually. We'll look at these in a future post. This list is is a good beginning.

Oops. There is one more thing that travel bloggers need. You can't do this without a blog. My favorite is Blogger but my husband prefers Wordpress. There are other blog hosting possibilities. Take some time and look around at what other travel bloggers are doing. Get some ideas and go with what you like.

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