Thursday, April 07, 2011

Nonprofit needs a trade show exhibit board for travel

Some of my blog readers know that Hope for Healing.Org can is in need of a display board they can use for awareness and trade show exhibits. They are hoping to find someone has a used one or volunteers who can help raise funds to buy one.

They are going to use the board to help raise awareness of sexual and domestic violence. It will also highlight the at-risk youth program. The display board may travel and be loaned to churches and businesses as part of an outreach program.

These are two of the primary ways that the organization raises awareness locally. At tentative event is scheduled for later this month. Some of the at risk youth they work with will be and the event and volunteers are needed.

One outreach involves traveling to Lake Junaluska, North Carolina. Every year, Hope for Healing.Org is among trade show exhibits that are set up. It’s a great chance to give out information on domestic violence. People travel to the conference from several states.

A foam core display board is being used right now. It was made by juvenile offenders and other at-risk teens that the nonprofit helps. They did a great job putting it together! The strong colors are eye catching and bold. The problem is that the foam core doesn’t travel well and won’t hold up to frequent use.

Some of the trade show exhibits from Midland Displays would fit the bill perfectly. They have a tabletop version that starts at $295. Many of the designs look like they would travel well and be easily set up. One of the great things about this company is that they will help with graphic design if the organization needs it.

Let me know if you can help. They’ll be grateful. 

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