Monday, April 04, 2011

Trying to find an extended stay hotel in Washington, D.C.

This weekend, some friends who know that I like to travel (and saw my previous blog post) asked me how to find an extended stay hotel in Washington, D.C. My daughter is going to college there so between moving her in and out it’s become a popular city for me to visit and a hotel is always needed.

When I can, I enjoy staying in an extended stay hotel. The rooms are much larger than in a regular motel. Having a kitchen and full size fridge and counter is helpful. I can easily create sandwiches for a lunch picnic at the Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial or wherever else we happen to be.

Before we made the previous trip to see our daughter I researched travel accommodations with an eye toward finding an extended stay hotel. Once we found out that our space would be next door to our daughter’s dorm we decided to choose the college over a hotel.  

There is no guarantee that the college room will be available next time. My hotel research was filed away in case it was needed later. The more helpful urls for my needs are being posted here for my friends. They might help you find a location that you need. If I missed a juicy spot let me know. There is always room in the comments section for suggestions.

I thought the Virginian Suites in Arlington, Virginia was close to the school and didn’t seem to be as pricey as some places. Although not close, the Georgetown Suites offers extended stay accommodations that look promising. Other websites that I found are:

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