Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How to pick a budget vacation spot

Family vacation time starts soon and I can't wait. Our limited budget made it necessary to pick a budget vacation spot that our family will enjoy. After some deliberation, we decided to drive three hours to middle Tennessee and officially begin our trip at Shiloh National Military Park. I can't wait.

Picking a budget vacation spot isn't as hard as you might think. Think about what your budget allows and how far you want to drive. Grab the map and mark any places of interest that fit your parameters.  Highlight any that seem especially interesting.

Next, you'll want to hit the internet for information about each location. What's there? How are the prices? Most of all ask yourself if your potential budget vacation spot is right for your family. Don't choose state parks if your kids are geared to theme parks.

Visit the website for each city that you are interested in. Follow this up with a phone call or request for information. Ask if there are any new attractions or restaurants. They may have coupons available or packages that can help you with the cost.

One time my family was on a budget vacation in North Carolina. We were leaving a museum when we heard music off to our side. It turned out to be a small car show and festival. This unexpected surprise helped make our trip more special. We almost missed it so now we make a point of asking staff what's going on that may be different or unusual.

It may take some digging to unearth the fun stuff at your budget vacation spot. Sometimes the most interesting things to do aren't on the travel brochures. Ask locals what they like to do for fun. They'll likely know if there is a festival or small carnival in town.

If there is something going on that's appropriate take advantage of the opportunity. It can be a great way to make your budget vacation even more interesting.

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