Sunday, May 29, 2011

Tips to have more fun on summer vacation

When you are on a getaway all you want to do is relax. Sometimes that is easier said than done. Here are some of my tips to have more fun on summer vacation. I'm posting them here in case they help you too.

Put someone you trust in charge of the home front. This can be a trusted adult or a neighborhood teen. Give the teen a few bucks to put the trash can by the curb and put it away again. Ditto with the grass cutting. Ask the adult to keep an eye on the house. Knowing this is being done may help you relax and have more fun on vacation.

Be a kid again.
Do something terribly kid-like and let yourself enjoy it. Take your shoes off to wade in a stream or jump in a mud puddle. It's silly but it will make you relax. That alone will help you have more fun. After all, you're on vacation. Wash your feet later at the hotel.

Turn off your cell phone.
No one is so important that they can't shut off the cell phone for an hour. Leave it in the room if you hit the hotel pool or go to work out room. Remind yourself that you are on vacation and deserve to have fun. The shut off suggestion goes the same for the laptop. Email can wait for awhile.

Be flexible.
Allowing extra time in your vacation schedule can help you relax. Knowing that you have nothing planned for one day of your vacation can give you more freedom. Spend it at the hotel, do some spontaneous sightseeing - the unplanned day is your blank slate. Don't fill it with work.

Visit a spa.
If nothing else helps you relax try visiting a spa. Being treated like royalty never feels so good as it does when you are on a getaway. The hotel concerige may be able to arrange this for you. If not, the hotel desk clerk may be able to make a recommendation. This is one thing that can help you have more fun on your vacation. Splurge! You're worth it.

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