Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Five top tips to declutter your home fast

Sometimes we have to declutter our home in a hurry. If you have ever gotten a phone saying your spouse in on the way home with in-laws in tow then you know what I mean. Don't drag out the security tape and close off just yet. Use these five top tips to declutter your home fast.

1. There's never a second chance to make a first impression. Start decluttering by choosing the first room that your vistitor will walk into. Grab a box or large laundry basket and quickly gather all the newspapers, sneakers and other odds and ends that may be lying about. Toss the box into the closet and sort it out later. Quickly dust areas that are most likely to be noticed. Follow this up by a quick sweep or vacuum.

2. The kitchen is often the second place that your guest will head. This may be followed by the bathroom. Declutter your kitchen with the same principle as the living room. Put any dirty dishes into the dishwasher. Quickly wipe down all countertops and then the kitchen sink.

3. Next on your list is the bathroom. Follow the same technicque. If you cannnot remove the trash from the room put it in the close. Wipe down surfaces. Close the shower curtain. Put a fresh towel on the sink and check the holder for toilet paper.

4. Close doors to any bedrooms, study areas or other rooms that won't be needed. Vacuum or sweep the hallway.

5. Spray rooms very lightly with a dash of air freshener and you're done. 

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