Saturday, July 11, 2009

I’m sitting in St. Mary, Montana on the front steps of the Johnson’s RV Park and Campground. The view is beautiful but the sky is overcast. I'm doing laundry and surfing the internet while Hubby and Allie pack up the tent.

The internet is only available near the campground store and it's slow this morning. I seized the opportunity to talk with a gentleman who lives in his RV full time. Or rather, I had a chance to listen since he did most of the talking.

It turns out that he and his wife travel around the continent in their RV full time. They are both retired and want to enjoy life. Their home is their camper and they use the address of their daughter. The more he talked about it the more animated he became. It's hard to imagine that there is a spot in the US they've missed. Glacier National Park and St. Mary is just a stopping point on their way to Canada.

Hubby and I have talked about trying this nomadic lifestyle in the future. It sounds appealing but I am not sure that I can ever get him to agree to it. I would love to be able to explore more of the US and meet people but he is a true homebody.

This road trip to Alaska and (sigh) back may have given him the travel bug. Hopefully it's one of those things that lives in your system. With a little luck and lots of persuasion we may be able to one day travel full time. Then I can write articles and update the blog on the way. Oh happy day!

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