Sunday, September 11, 2011

where to find Tennessee restaurant scores online

Good news. The Tennessee State restaurant health department restaurant scores are back online. You can now find them at The scores were removed for awhile and many people are glad to see that the site is up and running. This is a tremendous service to people who live in Tennessee and to those who visit.

Health department scores can range from 100 to 70 or below. At 70, the health department considers a place to be unsanitary. Many people consider a score in the upper 80s or better to be good. Few restaurants will ever get a perfect 100%.

Restaurants are lose points for both critical or non-critical violations. Non-critical violations can include but are not limited to mislabeled containers or a dirty floor. Critical violations may include (but are not limited to) food storage issues or problems with sanitation.

Two Knoxville news stations that keep track of Tennessee State Health Department restaurant scores are linked below.

WATE Food for Thought
Volunteer TV

Read more on our previous article.

1 comment:

  1. This type of information is very important to get out to readers! rcj
