Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How to survive Walt Disney World with whiny teens

Knowing how to survive Walt Disney World with whiny teens is a skill that all parents should develop.My family really enjoys our trips to Walt Disney World. We've taken our own teens (plus extras) and we've gone with a school group.
It's been a close call a few times but we made it. Learning how to survive Walt Disney World with whiny teens isn't for the faint of heart but it can be done. These are the techniques that i used. Maybe they will help you too.
Expect raw nerves
When tempers flare the magic fades. Raw nerves happen at home so they're bound to happen on the road. One of the first things we did to survive Walt Disney World with whiny teens is acknowledge that the family vacation will probably only be 99.5% perfect. Any trip is going to have sunscreen days and rainy days. Heat, humidity and long lines can make anyone impatient. Acknowledging the .05% ahead of time makes a difference.
Let teens roam
Giving teens permission to explore the park on their own helped. We set a meeting point and used cell phones to keep in touch. The freedom gave us all a break and reduced tensions.
Stay cool
Going someplace cool during the heat of the day helped us survive whiny teens. Hot weather begs for hot tempers. Cool spots at Walt Disney World include going back to the room, riding the monorail, table service restaurants and shopping at the resorts. Indoor shows and the air conditioned shops in the parks also provide relief from afternoon temperatures.
Keep teens hydrated and fed
Snacks and bottled water are invaluable. Walt Disney World allows guests to bring in their own. Cooler are not allowed but insulated bags and backpacks are welcome. When teens get hungry or thirsty they tend to get whiny. Having these items eliminates waiting in line for snacks.
Pause for a moment before heading into the parks. Learning how to survive whiny teens at Walt Disney World means not trying to do it all. Don't try to do it all. Decide on two or three 'must do' family activities. Try to fit those activities in and leave the rest for next time.
Take a nap
Give yourself and the teens an indoor break. Head back to the room for an afternoon nap. If the teens get whiny they can go to the pool while mom and dad enjoys the break.
Set a budget
When teenagers know how much they can spend it gives them a sense of empowerment. It also keeps them from becoming whiny. They might ask for more money but they know they might not get it.
Charge cell phone batteries
Teenagers of today don't respond well to low batteries. They want to be able to use their smart phones to talk, text and take photos. Learning how to survive whiny teens at Walt Disney World means reminding them to charge their phones. It also gives them a way to phone mom and dad if they run out of money.
Leave whiny teens at home.
Hubby and I had a marvelous time without them. This has to be the best way to survive Walt Disney World with whiny teens that I have found. The teens (or college students) may whine if you go without them but you'll never know it. 
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