Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Nashville to Atlanta Megabus stop location confusion

Update: 11/18/11 - New information has come in regarding the Megabus stop in Nashville. Visitors should go to the 'bus stop' section of the website and view the map. Then, click Nashville and select 'bus stops'. Scroll down in the window on the right. The information is there that indicates that the stop at the Ramada Limited with happen 15 minutes before the commerce stop. Confused much? Keep reading.

We have heard from blog readers about the new Nashville to Atlanta Megabus stop. The location is causing some frustration. At one point the bus line listed two stops the Nashville to Atlanta route and one of these was tagged as being an alternate pick up point. Who knows which to use?

Megabus stop in Washington, D.C.

Getting an answer from Megabus can sometimes be like racing a three legged turtle. Don't worry though, super sleuth Dave got the full scoop.

I'm going to copy and paste directly from the email he received from Megabus about the Nashville to Atlanta route.

According to our schedules, we show the route from Nashville to Chattanooga :

Nashville Ramada Hotel departure is at 7:45 am, Nashville Commerce Street 8:00 am and  arriving Chattanooga S Terrace Plaza 11:30 am. .

For further assistance with the bus stop and reservation inquiries, you
may call our reservation hotline at 877.462.6342.

As of this writing there are still two stops in Nashville. The new Megabus route begins this week and look forward to finding out how it was. I just checked and $1.00 tickets are still available. Perks like electricity and Wi-Fi make the ride more enjoyable. (You can read more about that on my blog post from the double decker bus out of Knoxville.)

If you blog us know if you ride Megabus from Nashville to Atlanta. We can't wait to hear how it went. Click 'comments' on this article to tell us about your travels. We can't wait to hear from you! :)

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