Saturday, February 25, 2012

Acid reflux disease and travel; helpful tips

Acid reflux disease can make it difficult to travel but not impossible. As with any disease, advance preparation will make a vacation more enjoyable. There isn't any reason to let acid reflux disease get in the way of something that you enjoy doing.

See a healthcare professional
The first step in preparing for vacation is to see your doctor. He or she knows best how to manage the acid reflux symptoms. My family has found that a combination of diet and medications works wonders. Begin a road trip or vacation by making sure that you have enough medicine and follow the directions given by a healthcare professional.

Acid reflux diet
Following an acid reflux disease diet isn't as complicated as it sounds. Restaurants are getting used to patrons who avoid spicy food or have allergies. Low fat, low spice options are usually available. Talk with the server if you don't see something you like on the menu. Substitutions or changes in preparation can usually be arranged.

Wear loose clothing
Tight clothing can be uncomfortable and can trigger symptoms of acid reflux disease. Loose fitting clothes that allows nonrestrictive movement can reduce the symptoms. They can also make travel more comfortable in general.

Stay on schedule 
Don't forget to stay on your medication schedule. We've found this to be important for acid reflux disease or any of our other health conditions. Being caught up in the moment is part of the fun of being on vacation. Health problems from getting off schedule can ruin the best day. Setting an alarm can help you stay on schedule.

Know your limits. 
It is the same for acid reflux disease or any other health challenge. Everyone has limits and we all stretch them when on vacation or traveling. Know what your limits are and pay attention to symptoms. We have found that it helps to pay attention to symptoms when traveling with acid reflux disease. Taking good care of yourself on the road is possibly the best way to have a good time on vacation.

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