Monday, February 20, 2012

Early spring road trip

Preparing for an early spring road trip combines some of the strategies that you would employ for a winter and also a summer road trip.

It's always important to have your vehicle inspected before hitting the road. A mechanic can't spot everything. Worn belts and hoses, leaky gaskets and tire tread depth are easily found. If you are going camping and taking an RV or pop-up camper it's a good idea to have that checked out too. Preventative fixes can save headache and money when compared to breakdowns on a road trip.

Early spring travel means bringing snacks, water, a blanket and a fully charged cell phone. A book to read can pass the time on a road trip if you happen to be stuck on a closed interstate.

Bring layers of clothing so you can take off what you don't need. The warm coat may be perfect outdoors but terrible inside. Similarly, the warm spring day may feel great outdoors but you may need a sweater or light jacket inside the souvenir shop.

There is one hard and fast rule that applies to every road trip. Don't let the pre-planning and preparations stress you out. No matter what time of year you travel, the most important thing to remember is to relax and have fun.

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