Tuesday, March 06, 2012

What to complete after a winter storm

You have survived a terrible winter storm in Atlanta, and managed to remain out of harm's way and keep dry, but don’t rest yet! When the storm is over and you can safely venture outdoors, your next steps are to clear away ice and snow, make your house accessible for emergency services, and avoid the chance of flooding when snow melts. It’s also important to examine your property for storm damage and get in touch with your Atlanta insurance agent or provider to report any damage that could result in a home insurance claim.

• Clear snow and ice so there’s a clean path between your house and the street.
• Clear ice and snow from nearby fire hydrants so that they are easily accessible.
• Make sure that your house number is clearly visible from the street.
• Clear any garbage from drains avoiding blockages and flooding when snow and ice thaw.
• Check roof gutters and make plans for any debris to be removed.

It’s crucial to look after your physical safety while you’re working outdoors. Wear layers of warm clothing, stay hydrated, and don’t get overtired or overheated. Take great care if you are attending to matters on a slippery roof. Atlanta insurance may provide compensation if your home was damaged by a storm, but that could be little consolation if you are injured while clearing up after the storm.   

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