Monday, April 02, 2012

Take hot weather precautions during spring break

I just got a text message from The Weather Channel. It is supposed to be a hot 85 degrees and sunny in our part of Tennessee today. The radio says that this is almost a record breaker. It appears that summer is here. For students who are outdoors for spring break, the sunny days are something to look forward to.  Sunshine can mean extra time at the beach or park. Unfortunately, it also means that kids and parents need to be careful in the heat.

If you are going outdoors for spring break it is important to take heat precautions. WebMD has some heat beating tips for spring break or any other hot weather holiday.

For me, that means drinking sports drinks before going outdoors. It also means paying attention to my body and finding a spot to cool off when necessary.

I do my best to identify the cool locations before I need them. Waiting to find air conditioning or shade when my body is weak and shaky has proved to to be counterproductive.

Taking cooling packs also helps.  You get these at the drug store or pharmacy section of Wal-Mart. Take them home and freeze them. Then, I toss them into the cooler when we go out in hot weather and grab them when I need them. These little beauties have been a big help when air conditioning has been difficult to location. Students (and anyone) who is outdoors on spring break may also find them to be useful.

What about you? What are your tips to beat the heat for spring break? Leave a comment to let us know.

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