Tuesday, February 25, 2014

My first trip to Whole Foods Market in Chattanooga

I have never reviewed a grocery store before. You've been missing a unique shopping experience if you haven't been to Whole Foods Market in Chattanooga. The store is about an hour away so it's not possible to shop there as much as I would like.

Whole Foods Markets rejects food with ingredients like aspartame, artificial flavorings and coloring  and other additives. Read the list of unacceptable items here.

The company works with local vendors when possible. This means that produce and meats are as fresh as it gets.

Whole Foods Market may sound like an expensive place to shop. The meats are higher but I found a number of items that were competitively priced. Beans were as low as $1.99 per pound and I picked up a bundle of fresh asparagus for $2.99. A jar of spaghetti sauce was $2.00 and change. There were a lot of other items as well.

If you need an international item or one that's hard to find, then Whole Foods Market is the place to look. There were rows upon rows of specialty ingredients like forbidden rice, dried shittake mushrooms and red lentils. Bulk items include herbs, grains, peppercorns, couscous, flour, beans, nuts and lots more.

Don't have time to cook? Get it to go, dine inside the store or at one of the outside bistro tables. I was astounded at the array of choices.

On the day that I was there a few of the selections included:
Muffuletta rice
Chicken pot pie
Curry triangles
Kale sauteed with garlic
Zucchini and yellow squash
Turkey meatloaf
Two different kinds of tofu
Jerk chicken legs
Assorted vegetables

And a lot more that I can't remember. Plus, they had a huge salad bar with a variety of exotic ingredients. Hundreds of cheeses lined a large display case. Flowers and produce were as fresh as they come.

Whole Foods Market in Chattanooga, I will be back. Where else can you grab a healthy lunch, shop for exotic ingredients and pick up a bouquet of fresh flowers?

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