Monday, March 10, 2014

Help me support the Ocala Movie about child sexual abuse of males

I am happy to be able to help with the Ocala Movie. The team is based out of Nashville, Tennessee and you couldn't ask for a better script or nicer people. Child sexual abuse of males is rarely talked about. This movie could change all that. It's powerful. It's moving and, it's healing.

Nashville is a popular tourist destination because of deep roots in country music. Did you know that it is almost as popular with the film industry as it is in country music? The Green Mile, Roots: The Gift and Coal Miner's Daughter were all filmed in Nashville and several top notch production companies call this area home. (Source:

I'm committed to helping get the word out about Ocala. Not only do I think it's going to be a good movie, but one that will be a credit to our state. Take a moment to look at the video below. If you like what you see, help spread the word by sharing it on social media.

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