Saturday, October 18, 2014

Shop online to save money for holidays and birthdays

Every time I mention that I’ve ordered something else online, my husband shakes his head. You can order almost everything online these days. Some of my favorite “offbeat” purchases have included an inflatable boat for my daughter, a counter top dishwasher, doctor recommended vitamins and water filters. Don’t worry. I have also ordered the “normal” stuff of books, CDs and video downloads.

Of course, promo codes from sites like can go a long way to help save money. When it comes to grocery shopping, I also search out grocery coupons and coupons from manufacturers.
I have been caught off guard at how expensive college has become. My bookstore purchases at Pellissippi State set me back over $1,000. I still need to buy a graphing calculator. As you can imagine, anything that we can do to reduce our costs is a big help. 

Ordering items from online stores is often less expensive than shopping in big-box retailer stores. My husband and I are trying to be more frugal since I’ve returned from school. Buying off of the internet is also a lot more convenient. Everything is handled with a few clicks and without fighting the crowds. (A real time-saver during the holidays!)

Some of the other ways that we are saving money is 

  •  Trying to eliminate credit cards
  •   Cooking and freezing several meals at a time so we eat out less frequently.
  •  The school cafeteria lets us use the microwave even if we don’t purchase from the cafeteria. 
  • Freezing individual frozen meals is a huge cost cutter.
  •  Using coupons and promo codes for everything we can (both online and offline).
  • Looking for the cheapest gas prices we can find. However, driving across town to fill the tank for .05 less per gallon does not save money.
  • Trying to be good stewards with all of our resources.
  • Maintaining our vehicles as best we can.

I am open to other ideas on how to be more frugal. What are your tips? Be sure to leave them in the comments section.

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