Contact Form
The contact form is also quick to set up. I think it's one of the best of the newer tools that Blogger has available. The form has been a good way to receive word about press releases and events.
I read and try to respond to every comment that a reader leaves on You've Been Reviewed. Suprised?
Don't be. It's the ideal way to keep your finger on the pulse of your readers. The comments let you know what they like, what they don't and what travel articles they want to see for their next getaway.
How will you know if your blog is successful unless you keep track of the stats? A simple counter is all that you need.
My disclaimer lets readers know that restaurants can vary significantly between visits or locations. The experience that I have is only a snapshot. The same applies to products, events, service at a business or any other activity. Since You've Been Reviewed revolves around getaways, travel and tourism, your disclaimer may be different.
Privacy policy
If you have ads, you need one. It's also a good idea to have one if you don't have ads. Having one is essential to any site with ads. The policy also lets readers know that you take their privacy seriously. Speaking of which, mine is linked here. Privacy policy

If you want traffic, then you want photos or graphics. Don't just pull the first airplane picture off of the internet that you see. Carefully check copyright. If the picture is copyrighted (as most of mine are), then don't use them without permission. A DMCA icon is in the right-hand sidebar.
Update regularly
Don't hold back! Let your readers know about your experiences by posting regularly. Daily is best but if you're traveling, try to post on a regular schedule.
Social media
The best articles are worthless if no one sees your writing. Use social media to share your articles. Connect with other travel bloggers and share the love. You'll gain new readers and new friends. Both are part of what blogging is all about.
Have fun at your next vacation destination. Let us know where you went when you get back. I always enjoy hearing from you.