Sunday, September 23, 2018

Announcing my new series: Day Trips for $40 or Less

My new series is all about affordable day trips for $40 or less. My strategy is simple. Find a destination that you can get to and back in one day. Then figure out how you can get there and back while staying in budget. At the end of each video I'll cover everything step-by-step, so you can learn how to do it.

Ground rules are:
  • The budget has to cover everything. --This means gas, breakfast, lunch, dinner and any admission fees, snacks and souvenirs for two people. 
  • To treat this like any other trip. -- This means combining with items that I may already have. Usually this means raiding the fridge and utilizing whatever gas is in the car - without making a special fill-up beforehand. Coupons and passes are okay when they're something the average person has access to. For example Smithsonian Days count, but my Tennessee Aquarium Membership won't.
You'll be able to learn from the videos to see exactly how I did each day trip. You'll also be able to see if I went over budget, how and why. This way you can replicate my success and learn from my mistakes.
Will it work? Follow my YouTube today page to find out. 

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