Saturday, May 23, 2009

Knoxville Pediatric Dentists

Knoxville pediatric dentists are just who you need when your child says "Mommy. My mouth hurts."

These words struck fear in my heart when my daughter said that to me. Turns out, it wasn't her mouth at all. It was her tooth. We were living in a different city and I had no idea where to take her. Thank goodness for friends who did!

I was asked to compile the following information for a freelance article. Because of the word count limit of the article it wasn't possible to list every pediatric dentist. If you are searching this list may be a good place to start. Pediatricians often give very good referrals too. When it comes to your children don't just take my word for it. Ask around!

Click on this link as a starting point to begin your search for Knoxville pediatric dentists.

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