I just barely made this post in time...
Hope for Healing.Org is the nonprofit that I work for. We do a lot of tremendous things both online and off. In our local area of Strawberry Plains we give food to those who need it. Because we have a full ministry center we are also able to help with clothing and household items.
Our primary service is to victims of domestic violence. When it comes to victims we will stabilize and work on safety planning, give information and referrals and do whatever we can.
There is so much work that needs to be done surrounding victims of sexual and domestic violence. No one agency or center can do it all. Victims need and deserve support so they can put their lives back.
Many times, people mistakenly think that domestic violence doesn't effect them. That is not true. If we are honest with ourselves we can realize that we know someone who has been a direct victim (or we know an abuser).
When domestic violence touches the life of a friend our life is touched. Whether we choose to act, or not, is an individual decision.
Sometimes, helping is easy. Using isearchigive.org and designating Hope for Healing.org is an easy way to donate .01 per search. It doesn't cost anything. This month, the charity received just a few cents under $30. That's enough to buy an Angel Food box for a victim.
Going to www.hopeforhealing.org and clicking on the Amazon.Com link when ordering is another easy way. If you use that link then Amazon.Com will make a tiny donation for every purchase. The nice thing is that it doesn't cost you any more than it normally would to buy from Amazon.Com.
And when a friend tells you about victimization reassurance is invaluable. A simple hug costs nothing but speaks volumes.
We all think that helping domestic violence victims is hard. Somtimes it is. But sometimes, just as these examples show, helping a domestic violence victim to find healing is easy.
For more information on helping domestic violence victims visit www.thehopeblog.org.
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