Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Lulu Makes Publishing Your Book Easy and Pain Free

When people find out that I am a published author they invariably ask which publishing company I use. The answer is Lulu. The company may have an funny name but they are dead serious when it comes to publishing. My book, Does God Still Love Me, was published a few  years ago. There have been no complaints regarding the print quality or binding. (Or the writing for that matter!)

A benefit of Lulu is that you retain sole ownership and creation of your book. This is also a downside. If the page margins or gutter is off it's your fault. If you don't like the font or if the pictures don't line up right guess who is to blame? That's right. It's you.

Fortunately, there are templates that you can follow. Lulu definitively makes sure the publishing process pain free. There is a live help function during daytime hours, forums and communities. All of these assets are available to help you. If you still need assistance there are professional services for editing, copyrighting and artwork that you can hire. The links for these are easily available on the Lulu website. Prices vary depending on the service that you need.

One of the best things about Lulu is the wide variety of publishing options that they offer. You can choose from almost any book size that you can imagine. Bindings include spiral, perfect and hardcover. There is a multitude of artwork and photos to choose from.

When you get started with Lulu you will need to order a proof of your book. It may look very different from what you seen on the screen. Search it for errors in grammar and layout. When you are satisfied with your work it is time to make it publicly available (or privately available depending on your preference).

Books can be placed on Amazon and other online booksellers. To do this you will need to purchase an ISBN. It doesn't have to be done immediately. In my case, I waited until enough books had been sold to justify the ISBN. It was easy to add to the cover later.

Basically, Lulu makes publishing as easy as possible. If you want more information check out their website. The url is You'll be glad that you did.

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