Friday, January 29, 2010

How to Prepare for a Winter Weather Snowstorm

It's time again folks. Snow is here in Knoxville. Kids view it as an opportunity to go sledding. Adults know the danger. Winter weather hazards can be unpredictable. Preparedness, although not foolproof, can help you weather a winter storm.

This article will provide you with some tips to help you prepare for a snowstorm. These are common sense tips that anyone can use. All of these have been gleaned from the author's personal experience with snowstorms, ice storms and hurricanes. There are links below this article for more winter weather preparedness information.

How to Prepare for a Snowstorm Tip #1
Stock up on nonperishable food items.
In addition to the standard "bread, milk and eggs" pick up nonperishable items and bottled water. If the power goes out you may need them. Peanut butter, crackers, cookies, trail mix, bread, fruit, canned food that doesn't require heating are all good choices. Don't forget that meat and cheese box that you got for Christmas. They can be great during a power outage. Bottled water is a must.

How to Prepare for a Snowstorm Tip #2
Refill prescriptions.
Get your prescriptions and pharmacy supplies before the snow falls. A snowstorm can keep you inside for several days. If you are on regular medications it's important to be sure that you have enough on hand. Diabetics should take inventory of any supplies that may be needed.

How to Prepare for a Snowstorm Tip #3
General supplies.
Be sure your flashlight is in working order. If not, get a new one and buy extra batteries. The same goes for a radio or battery operated television. Flashlights reduce the risk of fire as opposed to candles. You will also need a non-electric can opener.

How to Prepare for a Snowstorm Tip #4
Campstoves and heaters.
Inspect the condition before the snowstorm. Be sure that your equipment is in good shape. Check your fuel supplies. Search the internet or call the manufacture for advice on any needed precautions.

How to Prepare for a Snowstorm Tip #5

Emergency shelter.
Find out ahead of time where the emergency shelter is and who to call if you need help. The American Red Cross may be able to give you the information. This is especially important if someone in  your family has healthcare needs.

How to Prepare for a Snowstorm Tip #6
Oil or gas.
Check your supplies. Arrange for a fill up as far in advance as possible. Be sure that tires are at the right pressure.

How to Prepare for a Snowstorm Tip #7
Blankets and sleeping bags.
Make sure that you have extras for every person.

How to Prepare for a Snowstorm Tip #8
Don't put off doing the laundry. You may need the extra clothes. Do this in advance of the winter weather if at all possible.

How to Prepare for a Snowstorm Tip #9
Winterize your vehicle.
Check the antifreeze levels before cold weather hits. Fill your gas tank. Call your local automotive club for more tips.

How to Prepare for a Snowstorm Tip #10
Stay home.
This should go without saying. If you don't have to leave your home don't.

How to Prepare for a Snowstorm Tip #11
Sledding Safety
Be sure to talk to  your kids about sledding safety. Make sure they are adequately supervised when sledding. Even older kids forget the normal rules when it comes to having fun. As an adult, it's your job to make sure they are safe.

How to Prepare for a Snowstorm Tip #12
Don't forget your pet.
Check you food and water supplies. If the pet stays outdoors be sure that the pet has a warm dry place to get in from the weather. Check to see that all bedding is fresh.

How to Prepare for a Snowstorm Tip #13
Cell phones and laptop computers.
Charge your cell phone, laptop computers. Be sure that the batteries are fully charged. Use them sparingly if the electricity goes out. You may need them in case of emergency.

How to Prepare for a Snowstorm Tip #14
Check on the elderly.
Be sure that they have enough resources to get them through the storm. If necessary, move them to the home of a friend or relative in advance of the storm.

How to Prepare for a Snowstorm Tip #15
Double check.
Add anything else that you may need to this list. Double check it twice to be sure that you are ready for winter weather.

Ten Ways to Prepare Your Home & Family for a Winter Snowstorm or Blizzard
How to Prepare for a Winter Snowstorm
Internet Search

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