Thursday, January 20, 2011

Nonprofit agency needs a table top display board

Bulletin board panels can be the perfect thing for dividing rooms or for table top displays. My husband’s church has a large one that’s on rollers. They use this for sectioning off the fellowship hall for various events. I have to admit that at times it has been indispensable.

We’ve been looking at smaller ones at work. The organization can really use one for displays. I’m hoping to find fabric cork boards for them that are lightweight but durable at a reasonable price or donated.

Cost is always a factor. Hope for Healing.Org is a nonprofit organization that raises awareness of domestic violence. The economic downturn has been tough on everyone but nonprofit organizations have been really struggling. Combining the problem is that when jobs go down domestic violence goes up.

Fabric cork boards would allow us to create displays that raise awareness of domestic violence and sexual assault at craft shows and information or mission fairs. The board would allow us to put information in front of the public that could potentially save a life.

Our dream is to have two of them. It would be great to have one that we could decorate almost permanently to loan to churches or other organizations for Domestic Violence Awareness Month or for Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

I’m hoping that by writing this someone will read it who could help us out. If you have one of the fabric cork boards that you would be willing to donate please contact Hope for Healing.Org to let them know.

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