Thursday, January 20, 2011

Save money with reward programs

Frugal living is the keywords for most people these days. Even though the economy may be slowly improving many people still find it important to spend wisely. This is especially important for everyone who has been laid off but unable to find a job that pays a living wage.

Most of us still like to have fun sometimes. Even if our paychecks are down we still deserve a break or to buy something that we need. The key to getting what we want is to be flexible and keep our eyes open for the best deals that we can find.

My daughter is a classical music fan. We are always scouring the net for places like Emi Encore so she can get the music she needs to learn a new piece. Unfortunately, the classical CDs that she can use also tend to be expensive.

For many of us, getting the best price means joining a rewards program. I belong to one with my favorite hotel chain. The card can not only help me get a good rate but helps me earn points toward a free night. A few other perks round out the program.

Parents always need to save money. Families with young children that save on small things like this ez saver can reap large rewards. Every little bit adds up.

Programs like Walgreen’s easysaver rewards offer incentive that help build customer loyalty. Customers get good deals and sometimes even advance news of sales or coupons.

Just about every store offers their brand or style of rewards program. Other companies are starting to offer groups of rewards from different types of businesses for a small monthly fee.

If you are looking to save money, researching reward programs provide you with the answer you need. In addition to helping you live frugally they can introduce you to products or companies that you might have overlooked otherwise. 

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