Friday, March 18, 2011

Refund received from bad Megabus experience

Many thanks to the reader who reminded me about posting this Megabus refund update. 

It took a month but I finally got my money back from Megabus. The refund in the amount of $10.50 for both tickets was finally processed on Feb. 1, 2011.

Some of my blog followers will remember that experience. Megabus just could not get it together in the first few days of the route. I was one of the riders that was stranded at the Knoxville Transit Center, late at night and in the snow. The next bus they could book me on wasn't until lunchtime the next day.

Getting through to the company was a nightmare. (You can click the link above to read about that.)  One of the other riders contacted the Knoxville News Sentinel right off the bat. Without his action and the KNS article, I might still be waiting on the refund. 

Receiving the Megabus refund took several phone calls and emails. I even contacted the public relations firm for help (they referred me back to the bus line). I attached a .pdf copy of my reservations confirmation onto the last email I sent. Then followed that up with a phone call and made sure to reference both my blog at the article listed above.

Finally, the person that I spoke with  that time processed my refund. It took me almost 30 days after that to receive the refund from Megabus.

The refund wasn't much but it restored my optimism. Friends who have ridden since then said their trips were positive. I'm looking forward to trying it again. It should be especially interesting since they've moved the Megabus Washington, DC bus stop.

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