Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Finding treasure when moving

My family is in the process of moving to another part of Tennessee. I never fail to be surprised at what turns up when we pack.

Last night I was going through a few boxes that were left over from our last move. The boxes were old enough that I didn't remember what was in them. It is entirely possible that the boxes were left from our move to Tennessee from North Carolina.

Going through boxes of this age is a little like finding treasure. Nestled inside one of the boxes was a couple of pieces of artwork from my younger years. I looked at them and immediately put them back inside the box.

My parents photo in need of a frame.
Finding two long lost items in the box made my day! One of the items is an old photograph of my mom and dad. They look so young! It couldn't have been taken very long after they married. I can't believe that it was stuck in a box. This is something that is going to be framed and placed on my new wall.

The other photo was equally important to me. It's a photographic reprint of the Strawberry Plains bridge that was taken during the Civil War siege of Knoxville, Tennessee. This took place in November and December 1863. The photo itself was taken after Longstreet's withdrawal from the area.

The big question is where to have the framing done. A friend of mine lives near an artsy area of Texas. She says that shops are plentiful for framing. San Antonio also seems to be a popular place for artwork. But, even as wonderful as my friend is, I'll probably do a DIY on the frames or have that taken care of closer to home.

Neither of these pieces necessarily qualify as expensive fine art but they are valuable to me. Both will perfectly complement the walls in my new home.  Finding treasure like this almost makes it worth the effort to move into a new home.

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