Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Small gift ideas for wedding attendants

One thing about wedding planning is all the details that have to be looked after. There is no end to the number of gifts that need to be purchased for by the bride's parents. It looks like we will need gifts for each member of the wedding party, the musicians and wedding participants.

Plus, a small gift is nice for anyone who helps with the wedding but doesn't get paid. I'm thinking of my best friends who will (hopefully) help me decorate. The coordiator friend of mine who will help keep me sane and make sure that everything runs smoothly.

Then of course, there are the wedding gifts for the happy couple themselves. Just thinking about it is enough to make my head spin. I'm sure it's enough to make Hubby concerned.

There is one thing on the mind of almost every dad when their daughter announces her upcoming marriage. “How much will this cost me?”

Fortunately, it's possible to buy nice gifts like Mark Roberts fairies without mortgaging the remaining kids. A number of online sites offer collectibles are reasonable rates.

DIY crafts are becoming more frequently used for small gifts. This seems to be especially true if you have a skill like soapmaking, beading, stained glass or other unusual hobby.

Small potted plants have been mentioned me to me as gift ideas. That won't work. My gardening skills can kill silk plants. Travel vouchers have also been suggested but are out of my price range. (Besides, I might be tempted to keep them.)

Some of the other small gift ideas that I've come across are Starbucks (or other) gift cards. A small basket of Godiva, free trade or other high quality chocolate. These or small figurines are much more likely to survive my life as I live it.

Fortunately, the internet makes it easy to come up with good ideas for gift giving.  

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