Thursday, June 23, 2011

Double Dogs Chow House in Knoxville isn't just for hounds

In between leaving the doctors office and moving I squeezed in time to meet my daughter for lunch. She's been having an interesting time with Organic Chemistry and lunch provided the break that she needed. Where would a pre-vet major choose to go? How about Double Dogs Chow House near the Pellissippi State campus?

Our first visit won't be our last. Double Dogs Chow House is kind of like a sports bar on steroids. If the food doesn't get your attention the atmosphere will. They have a pretty broad range of menu items. We ultimately decided on the bacon cheeseburger and the cheeseburger. The burgers are pretty standard but the fries were thinly cut and tasted homemade. Toppings and a roll of paper towels are on each table. Help yourself.

Our neighbor ordered a salad. I had to laugh when it came out to the table. Would you believe that it's served in a very large dog food bowl? Too cute.

The one thing that I didn't like is that most of the tables and even booths are the tall raised variety. There were very few of the standard variety tables. When you are on a cane getting into one of these seats can be a real pain. I made it though so lunch with my daughter was saved.

The dog theme is carried throughout the restaurant. Decor at Double Dogs Chow House in Knoxville  is decidedly pet friendly and even the menu has its own flair. You'll have to visit the restaurant or check them out on Facebook to see what I mean.

Lunch for the two of us came to $24 and change. That was for drinks, entrees and a shared dessert. 

Double Dogs is along the lines of a Fuddrucker's or Red Robin. It's an upscale casual kind of place. Football fans will really enjoy spending fall Saturdays here. There are 30 TVs and they'll bring boxes to your table for your listening pleasure. How's that for cool?

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