Saturday, June 18, 2011

Iron Mountain Appalachian Trail Sign

Here we have Hubby and Daughter standing on the Appalachian Trail on Iron Mountain. The sign says that the elevation is 2,380 feet. This part of the trail is just off of the main road. It's a good place to pull of the road and hike or walk for awhile.

This sign is just off of the road. Of course, this is the Appalachian Trail on Iron Mountain so you'll want to walk a good distance farther than just the sign. Street side parallel parking spaces are available right at the trail entrance.

The Appalachian Trail (AT) is a National Scenic Trail. It runs through 14 states and goes from Georgia to Maine. Through hikers will travel the entire length of the AT. Most people will enjoy it for day hikes or even an afternoon.

We weren't able to spend as much time on Iron Mountain as we would have liked. The walk wasn't too difficult and we always enjoy being surrounded by nature.

One thing about the AT. A sign has been tacked onto the tree behind us. It's a lost dog notice. If you are going to be on the Appalachian Trail please think carefully before you bring Fido. Every owner (and dog) is different but hikers who bring pets may need to take extra precautions. The National Parks Service can give you more information. 

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