Wednesday, June 15, 2011

How do you mix and match furniture in a new home

How do you mix and match furniture in a new home? My husband's job requires us to relocate every few years. When we go into a new place I'm never sure how to decorate it. Compounding my anxiety is the challenge of mixing the furniture that belongs to with us the existing furniture in our new home.

Home decor furniture
Along the way, I've picked up some ideas but it's nothing like the tips I'd get by hiring a Chicago Interior Decorator. Living in the south doesn't give me that option. So, I've had to muck along on my own. Here are some ideas that seem to help.

Use neutral tones
This almost always seems to work out best. Khaki, beige or light gray – it's the neutral tones that seem to work.

Wood pieces in a dark or light color
Stained or varnished wood pieces seem to go well with most interiors. The more natural looking the better. In our home we have dark walnut, cherry and a dark depression era piece.

Large pictures
I'm talking about very large pictures here. Almost mural sized may be in order.

If you don't like the color of the walls you can cover them up. Several large pictures can work wonders to brighten up a room. Just be sure to get permission before doing anything permanent.

Painting may be an option as a last resort. You may have to work out an agreement with your landlord or committee. When we worked with our committee it was important to talk with them about acceptable paint colors. We've found several places that would allow us to paint the walls as long as we repainted them with the original color before leaving. If it is something that the committee likes you may not have to repaint at all.

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