Friday, July 01, 2011

Unpacking and getting settled after our move

We have finally moved into our new home and are trying to get settled. It's true that you don't know how much stuff you have until you pack it to move. I miss all of the friends that we left behind. Moving goes with Hubby's job but that doesn't mean that I'm ready to let go.

I try to think of everything that we're going to need but never hit the mark. About mid-way through the unpacking it became obvious that several items needed to be purchased. Plus, there are always miscellaneous household items that have to be picked up after the move. Hubby and I hit every discount retail store that we could find.

View from my front yard in TN.
Even though the home is job provided we appreciate and value it. That's why we have permission to make several upgrades. I'm excited about this. Painting is always relaxing for me. Hubby and I spent a long time looking at some of the things we want. New cabinet hardware and light fixtures are at the top of the list. Looking at all the different styles took me forever.

Naturally, Hubby had to wander throughout the store. He had to look at new tools, grills and I think he even had to see if there were any Circuit Breakers For Sale.

We're hoping to have the new grill and some upgrades put in by the end of July. Our goal is to have a big barbeque and invite all our friends (new and not-so-new) over in August. It should be a lot of fun!

In the meantime, here's the view from our front door. It's so peaceful here. You can see why I think we're going to like it.

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