Monday, August 22, 2011

Use a CVS Greenbagtag to save money and recycle

The discontinuation of the CVS Greenbagtag program is sad news to share. This page remains for archival purposes.

..........Did you know that the CVS Greenbagtag can help you save money and recycle? I just picked up a card for my daughter and wanted to share about it here. She loves to recycle and is always looking for ways to go green and save money.

The cards are for sale online and in-store for $1.00. Stick one onto a tote bag. Then, remember to recycle by bringing to the bag when you shop. Scan the Greenbagtag and ExtraCare reward card at checkout.

After four trips she earns a $1.00 coupon. that she can use on almost anything in the store. It's almost like the Greenbagtag pays my daughter for going green and helping the environment.

Washington, DC has a .05 tax on plastic bags. Remembering to recycle by shopping with a reusable tote already saves a nickel on each trip to the store. Add that to the Greenbagtag savings and it puts a $1.20 into her pocket on every 4th visit. What a way to save money!

It's also nice that the Greenbagtag really is green. The card itself is made from corn-based material. The lanyard is made from 100% recycled silicone. Packaging for the card is from green 100% recycled paper.

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