Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Tellico Grains Bakery – A Unique Bakery in the Mountains!

We are foodies and always anxious to find new sources of food, or in this case, sweets.  I read a little about Tellico Grains Bakery, in Tellico Plains, Tennessee and had to find out more.  They have a website, which makes things a whole lot easier for all of us!
Here it is!

Once I found out they make all kinds of breads and sweet treats I knew we had to do a road trip.  They also make sandwiches so we planned our arrival a little before lunch time.  We wanted to beat the crowd.

Tellico Plains is up in the mountains, and I am not a fan of twisting and winding roads.  Thankfully, the ride from our house to the bakery was a pleasant one for sure.  The scenery was beautiful as we headed toward the mountains.  When my ears started to clog I knew we were going up up up!

It was worth the ride.  The Tellico Grains Bakery put a smile on our faces that day for sure.  My husband had a Reuben sandwich while I drooled over the display cases containing Cherry Turnovers, Apple Turnovers, lots of Chocolate things, all kinds of Breads and I can’t remember everything but you get the message.

Needless to say we brought home turnovers, bread and a cinnamon roll and wished we had bought more.  We froze the turnovers and when we finally ate them they tasted fresh baked.  We did manage to dig into the crusty loaf of bread with dinner that night.

Turnovers and Cinnamon Bun!

If you go to their website *here* and click on the tab for bread you will see which bread they bake on which days of the week.  Then click on the pastry tab for a list of the pastry varieties. Once you visit their website you can find out times they are open and other information.

If you live in Athens, Sweetwater, Madisonville or that general vicinity you just need to take Highway 68 east and you will run right into Tellico Plains. 

Anyone not familiar with the area just use your GPS or read the directions *here*. If you do head in that direction, be sure to take your camera with you.  I would hate for you to miss out on some beautiful photos of the mountains.  If you continue east on 68 it will eventually take you over to Highway 64 in Ducktown, TN, right over the border from McCayesville, GA, which I understand is a beautiful ride.

Doesn't this bread look good?

One way or another I think you will enjoy the scenery and the delicious breads and pastries. Now that I am telling you all about Tellico Grains my mouth is watering and I think it is time for another road trip to Tellico Grains Bakery in Tellico Plains, Tennessee.

Tellico Grains Bakery
105 Depot Street
Tellico Plains, TN
Phone:  423-253-6911

Photos belong to AbbyG

1 comment:

  1. The photos are enough to send me on a 2 hour road trip! After reviewing their menu items its probably a good thing we don't live within 20 minutes of Tellico or I would be gaining lots of weight. I must admit to being a real bread-aholic and sweet pastries are a close second. They have to be good when you see that they are making their products daily, sourcing local ingredients and even taking the time to make a variety of flavored mayo. Now all I need to do is come up with a good excuse to take a nice country/mountain drive!
