Sunday, June 21, 2015

Doing Disney World without the Kids

Walt Disney World is a fun place for adults to vacation without kids. Few friends believed me when I told them about our Walt Disney World vacation plans. Being there without kids is magical. Who knew that adults could have so much fun? The stories I returned gave my friends with a different sense of disbelief.

Leaving the kids behind
Hubby and I have dreamed about vacationing without there the kids for years. This fall we took the plunge and journeyed to the land of oranges, sun and Walt Disney World. The two of us loaded up the car and set off on our magical adults-only adventure.

Before leaving, our unhappy kids vocalized displeasure. Either or both of our kids would have ditched school in a heartbeat for a chance to go to Walt Disney World. Hubby and I explained to them that passing their college and graduate school mid-terms are an important part of becoming adults. Then, we kissed them goodbye and hit the gas pedal before they could fling themselves in front of the car.

Can adults enjoy Walt Disney World without the kids?
Yes! Our Walt Disney World vacation exceeded our expectations. As adults without the kids we could giggle with glee or wave when we saw the famous characters. No one rolled their eyes at the perceived 'uncoolness' of parents unabashedly having fun.

Vacationing with kids meant missing shows that we enjoyed. Not this time. As adults, we sat through the Hall of Presidents without being interrupted one time. This animated show in the Magic Kingdom covers all presidents since George Washington. It is interesting but not a show that youngsters or older children enjoy.

Magic Kingdom
Two Magic Kingdom holdovers from the earliest years of Walt Disney World took us back to our childhood. The Carousel of Progress is an animated show that covers many innovations throughout the past 100 years. The theater revolves around the platform and it is considered to be among the finest early works at Walt Disney World. It may not have the the bells and whistles that kids expect today,  but this mom and dad loved it.

For possibly the first time, we hit the gentle, open air People Mover in Tomorrowland without whining. Kids prefer roller coasters, but this is more my speed.

Epcot at Walt Disney World is a world of cultural attractions for both adults and kids. We got a kick out of pavilions from countries like China, France, Mexico and Norway. Shows like the Voices of Liberty and the National Treasures Museum are geared toward adults. Kids will can have fun on the boat ride at the Mexico pavilion, Soarin, at The Land and other attractions. Of course, adults enjoy those attractions too.

Resort entertainment
We found other attractions at Walt Disney World that adults will enjoy. The pianist at the Grand Floridian Resort was spectacular. Adults can shop at the Contemporary Resort and enjoy dining at places like Boma, Les Chef des France or the Restaurant Marrakesh. Kids may enjoy these restaurants but probably not like we did as adults.

As adults, we got to do something else at Walt Disney World that wouldn't have worked if the kids had been with us. We rode the monorail over and over again. After one loop, our kids usually started begging to hit a park. No problems with that this time.

Hubby and I also rode the Walt Disney World ferry from Fort Wilderness to Magic Kingdom repeatedly just because we could. We didn't hear 'I'm bored' one time.

Downtown Disney
And of course, Pleasure Island in Downtown Disney at Walt Disney World is almost adults only. Downtown Disney comes alive after dark with entertainment, an Irish pub and eateries for adults. It's the perfect date spot so who would want to bring the kids along? Not us. Not this time. We won't bring them on our next vacation to Walt Disney World next time either.

Sorry kids.

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